How to contact a lawyer?

It is not always easy to know how to contact a lawyer. As lawyers are subject to significant advertising restrictions, contacting a lawyer presupposes, in the first instance, finding that lawyer.

First, there are the directories published by the Belgian bar associations which contain an exhaustive list of all the lawyers registered with these associations. Aware of the unattractive nature and complexity of accessing these lists, bars have made great efforts in recent years to make the search for a lawyer easier and to help litigants in their procedures. For example, on the website, there is a very efficient search engine that allows you to find a lawyer quickly.

These sites have the advantage of being free and maintained by the bars themselves, so the information is reliable.

These sites will generally provide contact details for the lawyer’s office, address, phone number and very often an email address. The lawyer may be contacted, at the client’s choice, according to the methods offered.


The last few years have seen the emergence of new initiatives aimed at facilitating access to lawyers.

Some platforms offer subscription-based directories for lawyers. Although they overlap with bar directories and are less comprehensive than bar lists, these platforms sometimes offer additional information that may be of interest. However, all together these directories will only gather 5% of the lawyering market.

Other solutions propose online legal services. The consultation takes place through the platform, using the means of communication offered by the platform and the lawyer is, according to these solutions, contacted from then on via a work platform.


Contacting a lawyer becomes easier thanks to these tools but there was still room for improvement. Indeed, these directories do not really help in finding a competent advisor, available and with whom effective communication can be established. While contact with the lawyer has become easier, the choice remains a thorny question.

This is one of the reason why uLaw was created, which is the first platform allowing clients looking for a lawyer to make sure they are making the right ’choice.

It is indeed the first and only interface that offers clients the ability to describe their request free of charge in order to collect work proposals from competent lawyers, available and offering total transparency on their profile and the work to be done.