How to find a good lawyer?

A lawyer is a legal professional who can be consulted for a number of reasons: the need for advice, for analysis, for the initiation of legal proceedings … lawyers can intervene at many levels.

A lawyer defends his client, represents him, advises him and must therefore be seen as an “ally” who has in-depth technical (i.e. legal) knowledge and who can assist you in your journey.

It is therefore fundamental that communication is effective and that mutual understanding is also present. It is therefore not enough to find a good technician because this one must also understands your question and brings you adequate answers; which will only be possible if the lawyer and his client find common ground, that they understand each other.


Every lawyer holds a legal diploma which requires five years of study. Once the studies are completed, the young lawyer must be able to show a criminal record free of crimes or offences and can then become a lawyer. He must retake exams organized by his Bar Association in almost all the subjects taught at the university and follow a series of training courses organized by this Bar Association: obligation to deal with pro-deo cases, seminars, professional aptitude courses, etc.

After a minimum of three years of traineeship and provided that all the obligations imposed by the Bar Association in question are met, the trainee lawyer may apply to be registered as a lawyer.

But it does not end there because lawyers are supervised by their Bar Association and are bound by continuing education obligations. The skills of the lawyer are therefore strongly developed from the time of their studies and upon entering the profession, and this is monitored throughout the career of the lawyer.

And fortunately because for a client, judging the competence of a lawyer, like that of a doctor and another specialist, remains very difficult since this client does not have the sufficient level of knowledge to determine whether this specialist does have the expected technical skills.


The difficulty for clients to “gauge” the skills of a lawyer prompted uLaw to develop a lawyer scoring algorithm to help clients and properly inform them about profiles. uLaw gathers together a whole series of technical information specific to the profession to derive a score which is also influenced by the opinions of the lawyer’s clients.

It is therefore now possible, thanks to this objective and reliable rating, to form an idea of ​​the technical and human competence of a lawyer.